The Unknown City download the new for apple
The Unknown City  download the new for apple

The Unknown City download the new for apple

Stay away from this Steam early access game that is an unfinished ripoff of a game that no sane or reasonable person should be conned into buying. If this is chapter 1 I can assure you that I will not be buying chapter 2. They simply become more bullet spongey as you go on and your weapon do so little damage with massive recoil that none of them are effective in the least. Enemy spawning makes little to no sense and the environments are simple square or rectangle environments that have enemies spawn in mid air. The AK47 looks/sounds nothing like an AK47 which is a consistent problem with the game. These police officers are already decked out in riot gear despite just trying to get back to HQ and the weapons they are packing range from a reasonable shotgun to a WW2 MG42. After this wave you are instructed via radio to get weapons from the police car and here is another problem. The next batch of enemies are suddenly bullet sponges taking dozens of shots to put down.

The Unknown City download the new for apple

You get attacked by a solo enemy and while the shotting is horrid the first enemy poses enough challenge with 3-5 bullets putting them down. Your partner (somehow) dissapeares and claims to be held in a.swimming pool. After a lengthy walking segment that feels longer then it has any right too (and getting stuck several times on the enviroment) you encounter your first enemy. So graphics are bad, voice acting is none existent and so is music. Seriously the voices you hear for the entire game are google translate voices. Now the game begins and graphically it's bad but I'll say that the human character models aren't too bad (though they may not be original creations as the monsters aren't original either) Anyways there is no music and the character dialog is "voice acted" by google translate. Instead you must move up to a back button (This is not the only odd button layout as I'll touch on later). If you go into settings you cannot get out with circle or even triangle. So anyways I go to the main menu and am immediately turned off as the entire layout is made for computer.

The Unknown City download the new for apple The Unknown City download the new for apple

It being $9.99 I wasn't expecting to be so disappointed (even if there are much better games for that price on PSN). It being $9.99 I wasn't expecting to be so disappointed (even if there are much better games for I purchased this game with very little hopes. I purchased this game with very little hopes.

The Unknown City  download the new for apple